Welcome to Bible Baptist Church of Sodus!

Whether you’re new to the area and are looking for a church home, or it’s been a long time since you’ve attended church at all, we hope your first visit to BBCS will be awesome! Our goal is to serve you and your family and we are looking forward to meeting you personally. We hope you’ll feel right at home from the very first moment you step foot on our property!

No matter what you have been through or what questions you have about God and faith, our church is a family where you will find the love, grace, and forgiveness of Jesus.

We are people from over 20 different towns worshiping, growing and serving together.  Our mission is More and Better Disciples by Pursuing God, Connecting with other believers, Serving others and Advancing God’s kingdom!

We have been blessed to have a multi-generational church with ministries for infants to senior adults.

We look forward to meeting you! 

What to Expect

  • Where do I park?

We have spots designated just for you! Look for the Guest Parking signs and feel free to pull right in. If you need assistance making your way into our building, our Parking Attendants are happy to help you in any way you need.

  • What should I wear?

There is no dress code at BBCS. Some dress in traditional Sunday dress, while others dress in jeans or even shorts. We want you to feel welcome and comfortable as you worship with us.

  • What’s here for my children?

The children and youth of BBCS are a high priority so you can be at ease knowing they are in a safe and loving environment. Loving nursery care is available for those with infants and small children and is located to the right of the entrance where you’ll see our Child Check-In. Your child’s safety is very important to us. That’s why we’ve set up a check-in system which also gives parents and guardians the confidence knowing their children are safe in this kid-friendly environment. There are classes for children of all ages where they will be taught lessons from God’s Word as they interact with music, games, and crafts.

Our middle and high school students enjoy time with their friends as they are taught by our dedicated youth leaders in our teen Sunday school class (offered during the 9:00 am service).

  • What are the worship services like?

Our worship music is a combination of both well-known hymns and current worship songs. We carefully choose songs with deep, spiritual meaning and you are led by our worship team and band.

We also worship through giving and the study and the teaching of God’s Word led by our lead pastor, Jay Riggleman, or our Associate Pastor, Nick Buthman.

  • Where do I go when I arrive?

When you arrive, use the main entrance (south doors) and you’ll see a number of people wearing “Welcome Team” lanyards. These First Impressions volunteers will be able to direct you to our Sanctuary, Welcome Table, Child Check-in, restrooms, or even a place to grab a cup of coffee.

Join Us!

9:00 am 

  • Worship Service
  • Bible Studies for Life Class (ages 3-adult)

10:30 am 

Nursery services are available at both services.

How to choose?

Both services have the same music and message; simply choose the time that’s best for your family. The only difference is if you’d like your child (age three through 5th graders) to attend our First Look or Kidz Zone programs, you’ll want to attend the 10:30 am service.