read big, meditate small

read big, meditate small

When I was in seminary, my professors would assign us students a sizable amount of reading for each course—usually multiple textbooks and hundreds of pages overall. One of the challenges I faced was figuring out how I was going to remember everything I had read.  I...
Should Christians Pray to Jesus?

Should Christians Pray to Jesus?

Many years ago, John R. Rice was preaching at a conference when he opened his address with this prayer: “Oh Father, breathe on me. Lord Jesus, help me to preach tonight. Holy Spirit, give me power.” Immediately afterwards a young preacher chastised Dr....
Boomerang Kids

Boomerang Kids

Eddie has always been a really nice kid.  He is easygoing and friendly.  Eddie, however, is thirty years old and is not making much progress in life.  His official designation is “student,” but he only completes a few courses each year and hasn’t...
Awaiting Death

Awaiting Death

Over Labor Day weekend, I had the privilege of attending a worship service at Thomas Road Baptist Church in Lynchburg, VA, where Jonathan Falwell is the lead pastor.  On this particular Sunday, Johnnie Moore was the guest speaker.  Moore, a former campus pastor at...
What Makes a Pastor Smile

What Makes a Pastor Smile

As I’ve interacted with different church members over the last few weeks, here are some of the things I’ve heard that have brought a smile to my face: Someone noticed that another church member had not been in attendance for awhile and wanted that...
The Dimmer Switch Principle

The Dimmer Switch Principle

  This week I’ve been reading a book by Larry Osborne entitled, Contrarian’s Guide to Knowing God.  In one chapter, Osborne discusses what he calls “the Dimmer Switch Principle.”  He explains it this way: “It’s a simple...