by Rob Schutt | Aug 3, 2014 | Adults, Advance, Ages & Groups, Children, Our Purpose, Pursue, Seniors, Youth |
Read the Major Prophets in 60 Days Plan: Join the church as we read through the Major Prophets in 60 days! Click the link to join the group on the Bible App. We will begin on Monday, September 26th. There will be a comment section where you can post a verse that stood...
by Rob Schutt | Jun 9, 2014 | Advance, Ages & Groups, Children, Connect, Our Purpose, Pursue |
Awana is an international, Bible-centered children’s and youth ministry program for kids 3 years old through 6th grade. We meet on Wednesday evenings from 6:00-7:30 pm from September through May to introduce children to Jesus Christ and build a biblical foundation...
by Rob Schutt | Jun 9, 2014 | Ages & Groups, Children |
First Look (Ages 3—Kindergarden)First Look is a nurturing program for children 3 years old to Kindergarten that takes them on an amazing life journey as they discover that God made them for a specific purpose — First Look runs all year and and meets on Sunday mornings...