Want to leave a legacy and advance the kingdom of God?

As believers, we know it’s important to advance God’s kingdom by developing relationships with non-Christians, sharing our faith consistently, and supporting outreach ministries of the church.

How can you Advance at BBCS?


Local Outreach

It’s not enough to just sit in a church building and hope that people show up to hear the life-changing message of Jesus. We reach out to people locally through various methods, such as through simple acts of kindness, our personal discussions and through public events.


Local Outreach

The members of BBCS support many missionaries in our local area as well as around the world. It’s such a wonderful group of people who feel called to serve and represent Jesus and it’s our privilege to join in by helping them. We help through our prayers and financial support, but also through special needs they have like collecting medical supplies. We always look forward to their visits every few years to hear how our personal actions have worldwide impact.

Missionary families

BBCS offers individual and family counseling conducted by formally trained counselors who utilize the Bible to find solutions to life’s problems.  Our counselors are able to help with such issues as marriage problems, financial difficulties, addiction recovery, anger management, and anxiety/depression.  This is a free service offered to the community. We do not a charge a counseling fee.

To make an appointment: