Community Groups:

Community Groups offer a safe environment where Christians gather to live life together and experience the gospel in ways they can’t on their own. Generally groups contain around 12 people and provide an ideal setting for deeper relationships.

There are three eight-week semesters during the school year in which Community Groups are in session, with a short break in between each semester. There are groups that meet on various days/nights (and in various locations) to fit anyone’s schedule. See the complete list of groups here.

Contact the church office ( if interested in joining a group.

EQUIP Classes:

EQUIP Ministry courses seek to build devoted followers of Jesus who can face the challenges of life with confidence and conviction. As students align themselves with what God’s Word teaches about life, their faith is strengthened and they become better prepared for more effective service for Christ.

EQUIP Ministry courses are offered on Sunday mornings between 9:00 – 10:00 am & 10:30 am – 11:30 am.

Information about our current adult EQUIP Class is here.

Monday Night Prayer Group:

We offer an opportunity for corporate prayer in a small group setting that is primarily targeted at praying for our country and leaders, but also inclusive of other topics. Monday nights at 6:30 pm in the Koinania room of the north wing (use north doors).

Contact for more information.